I give you Jesus

Some times success or failure has nothing to do with talents or abilities, skills or training.  Some times it is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.  The woman of Samaria who came to the well to draw water when Jesus was resting on it was in the right place at the right time.  The woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and received her healing while Jesus was on his way to Jarius’ house to raise his daughter from the dead was in the right place at the right time.  The lame man at the pool of Siloam was there waiting for the waters to be troubled when the King of Kings who spoke the universe into existence stopped at his feet and spoke to his need was in the right place at the right time. Tonight you are in the right place tonight at the right time.


I Give you Jesus

Acts 3:1-8

A.          Introduction

1.          The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed (the Tabernacle with the altar, the laver, the table of shew bread, the candle stick) (the Passover lamb) (passing through the waters and under the cloud coming out of Egypt), the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed (he is Emanuel-God with us).

2.          The Old Testament is our school master.  It is a type and shadow of the true.  When that which is true is come, that which is in part is done away.

3.          The Old Testament taught us about God.

a)          That he is a God of righteousness

b)          That he is a God of mercy

c)           That he is a God of love

d)          That he is a God of judgment

4.          It showed us the way to God.

5.          The Old Testament testifies of Jesus, the Messiah, and our Savior.

B.          Jehovah-God

1.          The word Jehovah means God is.

2.          There is always a connecting word or phrase to define what God is; such as:

a)          Jehovah-Jereh  (Jehovah will provide)

b)          Jehovah-Rapha  (Jehovah who heals)

c)           Jehovah-Nissi  (Jehovah our banner or victory)

d)          Jehovah-M’Kaddesh  (Jehovah who sanctifies)

e)          Jehovah-Shalom  (Jehovah our peace)

f)            Jehovah-Tsidkenu  (Jehovah our righteousness)

g)          Jehovah-Raah (Jehovah my shepherd)

h)          Jehovah-Shamma (Jehovah is present)

C.          Silver and Gold have I none

1.          Peter and John on their way to the temple.

2.          The lame man asking alms.

3.          I don’t have silver or gold, but I know Jehovah God.

4.          Jehovah God is a provider of whatever you need.

a)          They remembered the water turned to wine

b)          The fish and the loaves

c)           The coin in the fishes mouth to pay the temple tax



D.          Appeal

1.          What is it you have need of tonight?

a)          Provision, healing, victory, salvation, peace, direction, or protection.

b)          You have come to the right place. 

1.          Just like Peter and John on their way to pray I want to tell you tonight I do not have a temporary escape from the troubles of this life.

2.          I am not going to offer you pleasure for a season.

c)           But if you want joy unspeakable, peace that passeth understanding:  Then silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I thee.

d)          A God who will provide, heal, bring victory, sanctify, bring peace, bring righteousness, be a protector and guide, who is always present.

e)          I give you Jesus.

2.          Come expecting.

3.          It is not your need that God is going to respond to tonight.  It is your faith and trust.  It was the faith of the woman at the well that caused her to run into the city and cry come and see a man… surely this is the Messiah.  It was the faith of the woman with the issue of blood that allowed her to receive her healing.

a)          The lame man looked up expecting to receive.

b)          Come expecting to receive.