Where are the Elishas of God?

Where are the Elishas of God?



I Kings 19:19-21

II Kings 2:1-15

II Kings 13:21


I.          Introduction   

            It is important that in these last days the church not confuse polish for anointing.  There is no substitute for the Spirit of God.  If we are not careful we can take on a form or fashion of praise and push the move of God aside.  We know how and when to praise.  We know just how long our prayer should be, just how long to clap, shout, and praise.

            We must also guard against worshipping the worship.  Man we really had church tonight.  We really prayed down the Spirit.  We shouted.  We danced.  We, we, we, it is not about us it is about Him.

            The best days of the church are yet to come.  We can reminisce about revival times gone by but everyone should know the latter rain shall be greater than the former rain.  Our greatest moves of God are yet to come.


II.        Elijah

A.                 A man of God with an anointing.

1.                  God would speak to Elijah (go anoint this one, go give this message to this one).

2.                  God was faithful to Elijah (on the mountain, at the brook and with the widow).

B.                 A man of God with a proven ministry.

1.                  The rain did not fall until he prayed on the mountain top after offering the sacrifice to the Lord.

2.                  The widows’ oil and meal did not run dry all the days of the famine.

C.                 A man of God who had done many mighty works.

1.                  He raised the woman’s son from the dead.

2.                  Called fire down from heaven and consumed the captain and his fifty (twice).

He was a prophet that could not be mistaken for someone else.  When he was described everyone recognized him as Elijah the Tishbite. 


We do not need to try to fit in to blend, to be accepted.  Everyone else wants to have the power and relationship we have with God.


III.       Elisha is called

            A.        Plowing in a field.

                        1.         God is not going to call someone who is not willing to work.

                        2.         Elisha ran to answer his calling.


IV.       His response

            A.        He ministered to Elijah.

            B.        He had an answer when asked what his desire was (I want a double portion of thy spirit).

V.        The result

            A.        He saw Elijah taken up.

1.         He went back to the Jordan River and asked the question; where is the God of Elijah?

2.         He went back to find out if this thing was for real or if he had been led down a path just to make it convenient for the man of God.

            B.        He received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.

1.         When Elisha died he was one miracle short of twice as many (a double portion) as Elijah.

2.         The Bible records in II Kings 13:21 that there were some men burying a man who they allowed to touch the bones of Elisha.  And when he touched his bones he revived.  Elisha received his double portion.

VI.       Appeal

            Who in this house tonight has God come by and laid the mantle or calling on your shoulder? Who is going to sacrifice?  Who is going to serve?  Who is going to follow? Who is going to take up the mantle?  Where are the Elishas of God tonight?